HARVEST HOSTS REVIEW - Free Camping in Texas!

Excited to share our Harvest Hosts review with you!  This content is not sponsored or anything.  We are just RV Newbies learning about all RV things!

harvest hosts

What is Harvest Hosts?

Harvest Host is a membership program that connects RV’ers with various overnight hosts across the country. Hosts can range from museums, breweries, farms, wineries to even an alligator ranch. Free camping at wineries? Count us in!

We first heard about Harvest Host through Youtube. Seeing as we’d like to stay overnight at a few wineries over the next year anyway it absolutely made sense to spend the $49 so that we could easily connect with hosts that were happy to have us. The rule of thumb when staying with hosts is that you only stay one night and spend at least $20.

Why Harvest Hosts?

harvest hosts review

In practice, we’ve been more welcome than we could imagine. While it’s truly on a case by case basis, we’ve been invited to stay for more than one night and we’ve been happy to spend way beyond the twenty dollars suggest. If the choice comes down to staying at a crowded campground or spending $40 on wine tastings and a bottle while staying at a picturesque winery, which one would you choose?Members need to have self contained RVs.

Can you camp in a tent?

At this time, tent camping is not allowed. So far we’ve stayed a total of 3 nights with 2 different Harvest Hosts. Both wineries that we stayed with were incredibly welcoming and we had a blast with their tastings and relaxing with a bottle on their property. We also visited an Alligator Farm but chose not to spend the night simply because it was so early in the day and we had some more driving to do.

How to stay with Harvest Hosts

how does harvest hosts work

Finally, the Harvest Host program has its own dedicated app which makes finding hosts pretty easy along the way. There are certainly some areas of the U.S. which have MANY more hosts available than others but that has a lot to do with what type of businesses that area supports. For example, Texas had TONS of wineries that you were able to stay at.

Harvest Hosts Review - Video