Visiting Nugget Point, New Zealand

nugget point new zealand

Nugget Point was one of our favorite places to visit in New Zealand! Albatross, Fur seals, scenic viewpoints and a lighthouse. This place has it all. Nugget Point completely surprised us as it was a last minute add on destination during our New Zealand campervan trip while in the Catlins.

It's entirely possible that we simply weren't aware of the Nugget Point hype before we visited. While we were driving through the Catlins we stumbled across Nugget Point on TripAdvisor as a place of interest. Since we weren't in a huge rush we decided it was worth taking the time to check out.  It's good that we had plenty of time too because the car park for Nugget Point is 20km of unpaved road off of the main road. It was slow going to say the least.

Why Visit Nugget Point?

The entirety of Nugget Point looks like an epic postcard.  In addition to the beauty of seeing waves crash against the "nuggets" in front of the lighthouse visitors will be surrounded by nature.  We got some of the best views of a seal colony while we were here.

There are apparently penguins in the area but we didn't see any during our visit.  Dolphins can occasionally be spotted out in the waters as well. A hotly contested fact is that Fin swore up and down that she saw Albatross. Here's a hint: She didn't :)