RV MOVING DAY! We Move Fulltime into the RV
It's here! It's RV Moving Day! We move fulltime into the RV and have no idea what to expect. What is it like moving and living fulltime in RV to live full-time? We had always wondered that until today!
Moving in to the RV was NOTHING like we expected. We had this nice picture that everything was going to be well-organized and in its appropriate place - WRONG! In preparation for our renovation, we’ve ripped out everything from the RV that we know we won’t want.
The majority of the RV renovation will take place in the driveway of Tim's parents in Florida.Here we'll have the space and time (and weather) to work.
RV Moving Day Challenges
Fin. Freezing.
The only problem is RV Moving Day is the day after Christmas 2017 and we were still in Michigan! After days of snow flurries and sub zero temperatures we weren’t even sure if we would make it out of the neighborhood, much less the state. The irony was we only had to make it out of Fin's parent's subdivision and the rest of the 30 hour drive to Florida would be a breeze. The forecast predicted an increase of 40 degrees each day of driving! (That's what I'm talkin' about!)
The two day trip went smoothly (spoiler alert!) and it was incredible to experience just how much can change through a long drive. One day the heater could barely keep up with how cold it was in Michigan to sweating our brains out in what becomes a greenhouse on wheels in Florida.
First Impressions of RVing
The best part of moving in to an RV and living fulltime? We get to spend the first of what will be many nights in the RV in the parking lots of Cracker Barrel. Does anyone else out there live in there RV fulltime? For how long? Are we the only ones who LOVE Cracker Barrel and don't know why the Walmart parking lot will be full of RVs next to the highway but the Cracker Barrel parking lot across the street will be empty?! SHHH let's keep this a secret!