Why you probably SHOULDN'T visit Moeraki Boulders

Anyone creeping on New Zealand Instagram photos is undoubtedly planning to visit Moeraki Boulders.  Afterall, the Moeraki Boulders have an iconic look that can be captured best during sunset or sunrise. In general, tourists aren't interested about learning about these round stones.  They visit to find for Instagold!

Visit Moeraki Boulders | Worth the Trip?

So while Moeraki Boulders are iconic to NZ they are a bit out of the way to get to.  We just so happened to be passing right by them on our way to Dunedin but most two week tours of New Zealand tend to skip this part of the South Island.  There just isn't an overwhelming number of things to do on the south east side of the south island.If you plan on visiting the boulders, there are two places to park: 1. At a restaurant (closer) to the boulders. You'll have to pay a $2 parking fee here. There is free parking at DOC parking lot down the street. It's a bit farther from the boulders, but a beautiful walk down the beach.If you fully intend on visiting the Moeraki Boulders you'd be best off to do it early morning.  This is for two reasons:
  1. You'll be able to capture sunrise pictures of the boulders.
  2. You won't get run over by the tour buses later in the day.
While MOST tours steer clear of this area, that doesn't mean they all do.  While we were visiting in April we had the beach mostly to ourselves for about an hour.  Right as we were wrapping things up a tour bus pulled into the restaurant and hordes of tourists piled out. It was terrifying.So if you're in the area it's worth swinging by.  If you're out in Fiordland it really isn't worth the drive over.  Just look up pictures on Instagram.

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