Best Compression Packing Cubes for Travel

When Fin first purchased compression packing cubes I thought they were the most pointless things in the world.  Why would I want to pack stuff in tiny bags inside of my backpack? Despite my initial reaction, I completely changed my tune after a year of travel. These small, seemingly pointless luggage organizers kept things organized and the situation more manageable.

Why Use Compression Cubes?

That experience led us to wanting to make the best compression packing cubes out there. We may have used the Eagle Creek Specter Compression Packing Cubes while we were on our trip but I couldn't ever shake the notion that I could make a product that was just as good at a much better price.

High quality packing cubes for less

In an earlier career I used to be a buyer for a catalog company.   I have experience in manufacturing things abroad and then importing quantity to the U.S.   That led us to manufacturing our own compression packing cubes and being able to sell them at about half the price of the competition.

Shop Tripped Compression Cubes

Multiple color options available on Amazon