Posts in Travel Planning
Job Hunt after Travel (And How to Come Home)

It takes a while to come to terms with the idea of quitting your job and leaving on a trip. Once I knew I HAD to take this trip, the very next thought I had was “Great-I can leave.  How do I come back?”
What follows is what I’ve learned from both Allison and my own experiences. These are all the things to consider and tips we learned on how to come home from a year living and traveling abroad.

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Best Compression Packing Cubes for Travel

When Fin first purchased compression packing cubes I thought they were the most pointless things in the world.  Why would I want to pack stuff in tiny bags inside of my backpack? Despite my initial reaction, I completely changed my tune after a year of travel. These small, seemingly pointless luggage organizers kept things organized and the situation more manageable.

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