International Driving Permit: Why You Need One Before You Travel!

In all the prep and planning for travel, one really easy item to forget is an international driving permit. Picking up your driver's permit isn't as exciting as picking out of a heating for your next trip, but here are three reasons you're going to need it when you're running scooters abroad. Rental agencies will often turn a blind eye if you don't have your license. 90% of people on holiday don't have an international driving permit. However, if you do have a license, we found that we got better rates everywhere.

Better rates on rentals

From Thailand to Santorini. We were able to rent a scooter in Santorini for seven bucks a day. Got the price down to less than $2 a day in Bali. Outside of Southeast Asia, you'll actually need an international driving permit to rent anything at all.

International Driving Permit Requirements (our experience)

We couldn't rent a camper van in New Zealand without proving we had a permit. Same thing with the sick Opal Corsa, we rented in Germany. No permit, no rental! Surprise the world's full of crooked cops looking for your cash.

While I'm completely in favor of the bribe-based legal system found in Asia, you'll want to make sure you limit how much cops can hit you up for. If you don't have an international permit officer friendlies going to act like you killed someone.

Getting in trouble without a driving permit

In Bali we had the pleasure of paying close to 20 bucks each when we were pulled over without our licenses on us. We found out later that the fine should have only been about five us dollars. Lesson here? Make sure you're completely legal to begin with. So there's no reason it all for you to pull out your cash.

How to get an International Driving Permit

So for all those reasons, make sure you pick up an international driving permit before you even leave home. You can find your nearest AAA just hit up Google. It's going to take you about 10 minutes, set you back $15 and you don't even have to take a task.

Also non permit related. Make sure you wear your helmet.